Definition Of Conflict Management Pdf
definition of conflict management pdf

An effec-tive conflict management strategy should: 1.Conflict management refers to the process of using preferred strategies to handle a conflict with goals of limiting negative impact and enhancing positive impact. 3, 2002 Conflict Management Strategy Existing literature on conflict management is deficient on strategies needed to manage conflict at the macro-level, which can satisfy the above criteria. 210 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT THEORY The International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol.

Hence they may have individual differences. No two persons are the same. Conflict exists everywhere.

Having aIndividuals, groups, and organisations have unlimited needs and different values but limited resources. Whether it is handling disagreements over policies, enforcing rules, managing the inevitable friction and resentment that crops up between people or negotiating over resources. Conflict is a Normal Part of Life:author of Introduction to Conflict Management, surveys have shown how managers spend about a quarter of their time dealing with conflict. Conflict is inevitable and often good, for example, good teams always go through a “form, storm, norm and perform” period. Conflict develops because we are dealing with people’s lives, jobs, children, pride, self-concept, ego and sense of mission. Although inevitable, conflict can be minimized, diverted and/or resolved.

Collaboration parties try to handle the conflict without makingIt must be perceived by the parties to it, otherwise it does not exist. Perception:Conflict Management Strategies Compromise each party is concerned about their goal accomplishment and is willing to engage in give-and-take exchange to reach a reasonable solution. The conflict is not a problem, but if it is poorly managed then it becomes a problem.

Conflict occurs only when some kind of interaction takes place. Without interdependence there can be no interaction. Interdependence and Interaction:There must be some kind of real or perceived interdependence. Opposition:One party to the conflict must be perceiving or doing something the other party does not like or want. What we perceive and think affects our behaviour, attitudes, and communication.

Definition Of Conflict Management How To Manage Conflicts

Types of Conflict :Conflicts can be of different types as described below: On the basis of involvement:Interpersonal conflict can be divided into intergroup and intergroup conflict. Conflict management involves acquiring skills related to conflict resolution, self-awareness about conflict modes, conflict communication skills, and establishing a structure for management of conflict in your environment.’ All members of every organisation need to have ways of keeping conflict to a minimum – and of solving problems caused by conflict, before conflict becomes a major obstacle to your work. Concept of Conflict Management :‘Conflict management is the principle that all conflicts cannot necessarily be resolved, but learning how to manage conflicts can decrease the odds of non-productive escalation. At times, it may improve even a difficult situation. Conflict is not Unidimensional:It comes into different ways in accordance with degree of seriousness and capacity.

Thus it includes task conflict and process conflict in its scope.Procedural conflicts can include disagreements about factors such as meeting dates and times, individual task assignments, group organization and leadership, and methods of resolving disagreements. Substantive conflicts may be over the facts of a situation, the method or means of achieving a solution to the problem, ends or goals, and values. A substantive conflict is associated with the job, not individuals, while an affective conflict is drawn from emotions. On the basis of Scope:Conflicts may be substantive and Affective.

An affective conflict is nearly always disruptive to collaborative decision-making. Relationship conflict comes under the scope of affective conflicts. Substantive conflict is also called performance, task, issue, or active conflict.On the other hand, an affective conflict (also called as relationship or opposite of agreeable conflict) deals with interpersonal relationships or incompatibilities and centres on emotions and frustration between parties.Affective conflicts can be very destructive to the organisation, if remains unresolved. Substantive conflict can enhance collaborative decision-making.

definition of conflict management pdfdefinition of conflict management pdf

Competitive conflict is marked by the desire to win the fight or argument, even if winning costs more and causes more pain than not fighting at all.Costs do not matter in competitive conflict, and therefore, irrationality remains its main mark. The original issue is more of a pretext than a cause of the conflict. The original issue that began the conflict becomes irrelevant.

But in sports competition is encouraged.In a cooperative situation the goals are so linked that everybody ‘sinks or swims’ together, while in the competitive situation if one swims, the other must sink. In economic competition customers are the winners and the firms may be at risk. Even more, when the desire to win overtakes any specific reason for the conflict, irrationally develops.Importantly in history, when powers are roughly equal, such as the World War I alliances were, conflict that becomes competitive and irrational nearly always develops. If one is personally invested in the outcome, this too leads to irrational conclusions, especially if issues of self-esteem, whether personal or national, are involved.Competitive conflict can either begin by, or be rationalized by, conflicts of ideology or principle.

Stages of Conflict :A manager must know various stages of conflict to handle it. Such a dispute can be settled only through negotiation or collective bargaining. Such a conflict is settled by legal decision or arbitration, not negotiation.On the other hand conflict of interests means where a person or group demands certain privileges, but there is no law or right in existence. If such a right is denied, it will lead to conflict. On the basis of Rights and Interests:Conflict of rights means where people are granted certain rights by law or by contract or by previous agreement or by established practice. Disputants that work cooperatively to negotiate a solution are more likely to develop a relationship of trust and come up with mutually beneficial options for settlement.

Sensitiveness may possibly result in conflict.B. People recognise lack of resources, diversity of language or culture. Normally a conflict passes through the following stages:A.

The traditionalists view conflict as bad and be avoided. Are Conflicts Bad and Undesirable?There are three viewpoints. In fact the potential is bigger than before, if one party perceives that the resolution has resulted into win-lose situation. Once a problem has been solved, the potential for conflict still remains in the aftermath. An incident may trigger a latent conflict into an open conflictD.

definition of conflict management pdf